The Spicery

Amazing news: The Spicery has been bought (by one of the Catlin Court Originals, Martha Campbell) and hopes to be open for Glendale Glitters! I am so excited I could burst!

Update: it IS opened, and I have to make it over there ASAP!

Cool Visitor Map

Map of visitor’s hometowns in the Glendale Visitor Center, now Glendale Convention and Visitors Bureau.

The Tour, Part One

I recently went on a Historic Preservation Tour of both Manistee and Sahuaro Ranch. It was so cool. The buildings are filled with all the furniture, amenities and decor of way-back-when. LOTS more pictures to come!

Centennial Storefronts

centennial storefront w dress

centennial storefront

In honor of Glendale’s Centennial, some of the empty storefronts along Glendale Ave. are being decorated with old photos and memorabilia from the first 100 years. The pictures are fascinating.

And oops! Rookie mistake! There’s my reflection in the glass! 🙂

Glendale Centennial Kick Off

Today is the kickoff to Glendale’s centennial celebration and they are having an awesome festival downtown tonight. If you’re in the area and want to see vintage cars, a timeline fashion show and gorge yourself on 50-cent root beer floats, come down; it’s free!
Unfortunately these pics are not mine. I cannot for the life of me remember where most of them came from except the website.
The above pic is the same street corner.

Looking east on Glendale Avenue from about 58th.

Looking northeast on 58th Avenue. I was tickled when I saw that Five-and-Dime store!

This is the Glendale High School, setting up for a parade of some sorts on Glendale Avenue.

Anyone else with some awesome pics to share?