Grapes in Glendale

Even I had no idea grapes could grow in the Valley. I knew to the north and south, but not smack dab in the heart of Glendale!

The Tour, Part One

I recently went on a Historic Preservation Tour of both Manistee and Sahuaro Ranch. It was so cool. The buildings are filled with all the furniture, amenities and decor of way-back-when. LOTS more pictures to come!

Peacock Grazing Area

Peacocks hanging out in the in-between of the library and Sahuaro Ranch Park.

It’s Getting Warmer, Said the Hot Air Balloon

There were actually 5 balloons in the sky, but I could only clearly get a couple. This is probably the last week I will get to see them, since it gets too hot for them to be flying around any earlier than 5 a.m. come summer.

Mother’s Day Celebration

Volunteers handing out bouquet-starter flowers for the Mother’s Day Celebration.

Benjamin Franklin and Pretzels

You know what Benny Franklin was fond of most? Carbs, hence the pretzel stand in front of his awesome biography on display at Glendale’s Main Library.