Thelonious Monk at Jazz and Blues

The recycled sculpture of Thelonious Monk watches over the Jazz and Blues Festival. Read more about the art projects displayed at the festival here.

Jazz and Blues

One of my favorite spots at the Jazz and Blues Festival. Right in the middle so you’re close enough to the jazz to meander over if you want. But also the blues is on the huge megatron screen if you wanna just lie back and relax. Plus, how gorgeous is that flowering tree?!

More Bougainvillea

This is the semi-new street caps for the Grand Avenue Underpass. Completed in 2006, it made the wait times for the lights much less of a hassle. The best part of the dedication was we had a party in the underpass before it was open! So I got to hang out in the middle of the road with the Governor and Mayor and hold the ribbon they cut to make it “official!” Kind of fun! Above the underpass these pretty little street caps help to add just a little more beautification to the downtown.


I didn’t even have to color enhance this because it was so bright outside it made this bougainvillea pop!

Glendale Jazz and Blues Festival

photo credit

See details here.

Wildlife World Zoo

The title of this picture is: “Dude, you look just like your picture!”